Nefropatía relacionada con el colágeno IV en paciente adulto joven




Nephrotic syndrome, Podocytopathy, Nephropathy related totype IV collagen


The clinical picture of the 40-year-old female patient with morbid obesity who presents with nephrotic syndrome, with deterioration of renal function that progresses to the point of needing RRT, coincidentally with infectious decompensations, with serologies for collagenopathy negative for ANCA antibodies. and C negative, ANCA P and C serologies, viral serologies negative, anti-PLA2R negative, renal biopsy was performed where electron microscopy revealed fusion of pedicels and a thinned glomerular basement membrane, without ocular alterations or hearing loss, without the symptom predominant hematuria, leading to a probable diagnosis of an association of nephropathy related to type IV collagen plus podocytopathy.


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How to Cite

Cazo M, Villalba A, Delgado N, López M. Nefropatía relacionada con el colágeno IV en paciente adulto joven. Rev. Soc. Parag. Nefrol. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];1(1):40-4. Available from:



Clinical Case