Long-term survival in renal transplant patients: experience in social security
graft survival, renal transplantation, social securityAbstract
Introduction: The best therapeutic alternative for patients affected by end-stage chronic kidney disease is kidney transplantation.
General objective: To characterize the long-term survival of patients with kidney transplants belonging to the Central Hospital of the Social Welfare Institute.
Specific objectives: Describe the factors associated with kidney graft failure. Evaluate the causes of kidney graft failure. List the complications related to the transplant
Patients and methods: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study, 173 medical records of people over 18 years of age under regular follow-up by the Transplant Service of the Central Hospital “Dr. Emilio Cubas” from the Social Welfare Institute.
Conclusion: The long-term survival of renal transplantation represents 99% at one year, 91% at three years, and 81% at five years.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Acosta, Pablo Jara, Adriana Martínez, María Gloria Orue, María Magdalena Mayor, María del Carmen Romero, Roger Ayala

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